Isozaki Country House - Guest House

Design period February 1987-May 1987
Construction period June 1987-December 1987
Area 121m2
Owner Arata Isozaki
Architect Arata Isozaki & Associates

PHOTO CREDIT: GA Photographers

This is a guesthouse for Arata Isozaki’s country villa. The site is located on a steeply inclined ground along the ravine near the former Mikasa Hotel in Karuizawa. Mr. Isozaki built four buildings there as summer house for himself and his wife, Ms. Aiko Miyawaki who is a sculptor. Since 1981 these buildings have been completed one by one. They include sculpture studio, bedroom and dining room, study for writing works, atelier for design works and so on.

This semi-circular building is a guesthouse. On the lower level two bedrooms are provided; on the upper level an open kitchen and dining space are located, with a fireplace at the center. This dining space offers a 180-degree panoramic view of the surrounding nature. The lower level is reinforced concrete construction, and the upper level is wood construction. The exterior wood panels are all blackstained, so that the building harmonizes with the surrounding environment.
